Thursday 26 May 2016

New Features & Revamps

New Banking System

First of all out with the old and in with the new! Totally removed the old banking system and replaced it with a better one thanks to a script from Bigace360 ( This banking script is more stable and allows the player to purchase "Bonds" which over time mature as well as withdrawing and depositing your gold to keep it safe. The bank "Item Storage" still remains so the player as the ability to keep certain items safe. You still need a bank account to use these services, you will need identification from the townhall before you can open a bank account.

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Arune now as its own prison system which will see the character locked up for crimes if they get caught. If you decide to fight Arune Soliders or Arune Officers and you lose the fight you will also be placed in prison, your items will be discarded until you either break out of prison or you serve your sentence and get released. (Your items will never be truely lost)
If you are currently on a Story Quest you will not go to prison but instead fail (Game Over) and you will need to replay from your last save point.


If you ever get killed in Arune you will respawn in Castle Town Hospital, you will be charged a set fee for being patched up. If you are killed by soliders or officers you will go to prison instead, only deaths from NPC's, monsters and traps send you directly to the hospital.
If you are currently on a Story Quest the same rules apply as stated above for the prison.


I added a auto-save feature that will auto-save the players progress in certain points of the game, mainly when you arrive on another map but also when you end up in hospital, prison and during certain story scenes. This can be toggled on/off by the player via the menus.

Better Farming

I cleaned up the farming a little more to make it easier to understand as well as the ability to obtain rare seeds that allow you to combine them with other seeds to create rare flowers which will allow you to sell for high prices or use for enchantments.

Book System

Added ability to purchase books from a book store, market or found in-game, once the player obtains a book they can read it via their inventory simply by highlighting the book and using it. You must have the book in your inventory in order to read it, if you sell or place it into storage you can not read it.

Quest Journal

The journal will show the player what quests are on offer but not yet accepted, quests the player as accepted and is currently participating in and what quests the player as completed, it will show what rewards the quest will give once completed from money to items. The quest journal once obtained at the start can not be stored in your bank storage, this is to prevent the player from losing it.
This is all for now but theres loads more features to come and a few already being worked on. If you have any ideas or comments about what features to add be sure to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading.



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